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VerifyEqual command is used to compare and verify the equality of two values, text or integer. The left hand value is provided in element section and the right hand value in parameter section.

Select VERIFYEQUAL command from the action drop down, leave Screen name blank, provide first value in Element key and second value in parameter section as shown below:


After completing this step, step will look as below:


If first value is equal to second value then this step will get pass else this step will get fail.

In case we are comparing a value from a web element with a static value in that case user has to select VERIFYEQUAL command from the action drop down, select desired Screen name, Element key and static value to compare in parameter section as shown below:


After completing this step, step will look as below:


If first value (found at the specified locator) is equal to second value then this test step will pass else this will fail.


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