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PDFtable function

This function is used to read and store PDF table data and then use that data for validation.
RUN Command is used to achieve this functionality and in the parameters section user will pass the pdf function as given below:

Syntax: ${__pdftable(path of pdf file, some text just before the table, some text just after the table, alias name)}

Edit parameter section and click on Form, select functions from the dropdown and select PDFTABLE function. Provide PDF file path, top identifier (any text above the target table), bottom identifier (any text below the target table), variable name and click on save icon.

Example: ${__pdftable(D:SampleFiles_for_BBSamplePDFsast_sci_data_tables_sample.pdf,short circuits.,Example 3:,table)}

The second and third parameter is some text just before and after the table whose data we are going to store. Here table is a alias or variable which has the table data and will be used for fetching data using dot(.) with column name.

Example: ${__getcellvalue(table.Number of Paperclips)} Here, Number of Paperclips is the column name in the table.

Further user can give indexing also after column name.
Example: ${__getcellvalue(table.Number of Paperclips.2)}

Sample pdf table from a pdf file:

Once the desired value is fetched from the table you can use it in your subsequent steps.

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