How to establish DB connection with SQL Server having windows authentication using HuLoop?
In order to establish DB connection with SQL Server having windows authentication firstly you need to select your project and navigate to Settings > Automation Settings > DB Settings and provide the required details as shown in the below snapshot.
Now make sure sql server protocols are enabled in your computer management.
Go to Windows Search > Computer Management > Services and Applications > SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocols for MSSQLSERVER
Now you need to download the sqljdbc dll using this link.
Once you open this link, click on click here to download manually
Download the exe as highlighted below
Double click on the downloaded file to unzip it and ,copy the dll present on below path
C:UsersMicrosoft JDBC Driver 6.0 for SQL Serversqljdbc_6.0enuauthx64
Paste the copied dll file in HuLoop folder in parallel to huloop.exe
Restart the sql server services on your machine and try to connect SQL Server DB with HuLoop using windows authentication.