How to upgrade Chrome driver?
In order to download the compatible chrome driver version with respect to your chrome browser please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Open chrome browser and navigate to 3 dots on the top right > Help > About Google Chrome
See the chrome browser version, lets say it is 90 as shown below:
Now you need to download the compatible version of chrome driver.
Step 2: Open this link ( or if you don’t find this link working, simply open google and search for ‘Download Chrome Driver’ and download the compatible version of chrome driver.
Select 32 bit version if you are a windows user as shown below:
It will download a zip file.
Step 3: Unzip the downloaded file and copy chromedriver.exe form the unzipped folder.
Step 4: Now you can replace the new chrome driver with the older one in resource folder of HuLoop package.
Go to huloop > app > resources and replace the new chrome driver.
or you can keep it at any location of your choice and then you have to pass the path in your automation setting.
Example: Lets say you have kept the chrome driver at below location
Now you need to provide the same path in your automation setting.
Step 5: Select your automation and go to Settings > Automation Settings > Automation Settings > chrome_driver and update the driver path
Note: If you are a mac user, you need to download the compatible chrome driver version for mac from the google rest other things remains as stated above.